Talking WITH your kids – Tips to help family relationships
Kids are amazing little humans – it never surprises me how closely they listen to things – especially things that I sometimes wish they wouldn’t hear – but then when you want them to listen to you – when you are trying to talk to them about important things, it seems like they almost tune you out. Have you experienced this? I hope that it is not just me lol. My kids are still younger – my oldest will be 9 this year – but already I feel like I have had to step up my communication skills with her.
Building a good relationship with your kids means taking the time to get to know them and actually talking with your kids (not to them) about everything – things they want to say and things you want to say. This relationship is just as much a two way street as any other – except you are going to want to really cultivate this one.
Meal times are especially great for family conversation – and one reason why sitting down to at least one meal a day will drastically change the relationship of your family members. Here are some other tips for communicating with your kids:
- Look at them when they are talking to you and when you are talking to them
- Come down to their level when you are talking – Squat down so you can talk to them on an equal level instead of towering over them.
- Explain everything. If you tell them to do something – tell them why. Kids are WAY more likely to listen and do what you are asking of them, if you tell them why.
- Try not to yell – in my experience kids seem to shut down when you raise your voice – and won’t hear anything you say – just relate you to being grouchy.
- If you are having a hard time communicating with your child, find out what they are interested in and talk to them about what they like and get to know them. Once they feel like you understand them and what to know who they are, they will start to open up.
If you have any other tips or ideas for talking with your kids please leave a comment. I always love to hear new things.
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